I count myself fortunate to have a husband who understands my passion for jewellery. Considering he's a Yorkshireman, this is a remarkable achievement. Unfortunately I forget to repay this act of respect. I constantly babble away whilst he's trying to listen to the cricket ( how long does The World Cup last? Months seem to have gone by!) and if there's a rugby match on the televsion, you can bet that Ms Dangerfield will unconsciously choose that moment to throw a hissy fit about the state of the house.
For some strange reason, he forgives me & I'm forever grateful for that. It's hard work living with a diva, but he seems to cope quite well. OMD ( Old Man Dickson), if you are reading this (which he won't be), may I pay tribute to your tolerance?
I would also like to pay tribute to the American painter, Cy Twombly but this time I've gone a little further down the path by dedicating some jewellery to him.
That I am able to do this is a tribute to the gifts of the English glass artist, Beverley Hicklin whose remarkable beads these are. Her painterly beads are great favourites of mine - they are a constant source of inspiration to me.
Of Cy Twombly's work, I cannot name any one particular painting that made me jump up & grab a bead tray but 'Leda & the Swan' and the paintings below are examples of what moved me.
I want these but apparently the Art Gallery of New South Wales has them so I'll have to hang them in my imaginary gallery instead. IMHO, the curators of this Gallery have 'awethome' taste and I therefore pay tribute to them too. I must also mention Lula & her delightul lisp. Without it, a word such as 'awesome' would seem stale & harsh and I therefore pay tribute to the lisp.
Rhetorical question coming up - what am I talking about?
Non rhetorical question - how do I space out my paragraphs?
Photographs of jewellery © Jennifer Dangerfield 2007
Wow Jennifer they are all fabulou s- in fact I'evs drooled over most of your jewellery!!
And I love reading your "writings" you are a woman of many talents :)
Dearest Jo, you're always so kind to me and you say the sweetest things :-) Thank you!
Hey everybody - you simply MUST go & visit Gem Heaven (http://www.gemheaven.co.uk/shop/ if you haven't already followed the link in my Favourite Things page on my website). I'm sure you will love it as much as I do.
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